The prenatal period is the time for preparing and planning for your upcoming birth. These classes, services and ceremonies are designed to help prepare a mother-to-be for all aspects of motherhood. Physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual support are all addressed by these wisdom teachings. Each practice carries a wealth of knowledge within it.
Mother Blessing Ceremony
Originating with the Navajo (Dine) people, a mother blessing is a rite of passage ceremony personalized for the mother to be. A gathering of the expectant mother's closest women showering the mother with love, reassurance and wise words in a space where she feels safe to be vulnerable. She is able to express her fears and concerns, ask questions. This is a unique and empowering experience in creating a community support system for mother to be. Post-partum help is coordinated among the women for after the birth as well.

Yoga & Breathwork

Prenatal Yoga
Classes focused on strengthening the legs, opening the hips, focused intentional breathing, and increasing stamina for the physical demands of labor while tending to the mental, emotional and spiritual needs of the expectant mother. Breathing and Visualization help strengthen bonding with the baby. 90 min session.
More focus on breathing during labor and visualization techniques for birthing are offered in these classes. Increase ability to focus and breath as tools for coping with pain and stress during labor. 60 min session
Japa Meditation
Japa Meditation
The practice of using a mala necklace and mantra for meditation. We experience the magic of mantra and meditation through focused intention. 60 min session.
Custom Mala Necklace
Gemstone mala necklace that supports your personalized intention, woven in prayer. No synthetic materials used. String is 100% silk, and copal (tree resin) is used instead of glue. All necklaces are energetically cleared with sound bowl crystal vibrations and smudge smoke and sunlight/moonlight.
*Includes one hour consultation and optional free meditation